
"The Instability of the Narrow Mind is an Echo Chamber", oils/acrylics/stretched
My 7-1/4x5-3/4 inch cock
"Muhammad" [4x5, Finger on Phone] (F)irst Attempt, please be gentile.
Olga Kobzar Drumscan of 4x5 negative
[7.4x5.2] what do you think?
Bound (4x5 ilford 100 iso)
Downtown Wausau, WI [Intrepid 4x5 | Ilford Delta 100 | 150mm]
Downtown Wausau, WI [Intrepid 4x5 | Ilford Delta 100 | 150mm Caltar]
Throwback Thursday, Self Portrait #1, 4x5 Polaroid, 1989
Throwback Thursday, Self Portrait #2, 4x5 Polaroid, 1989
Throwback Thursday, Self Portrait #3, 4x5 Polaroid, 1989
Hey! I'm a photographer who is trying their hand at some self portraits. Bonus points