
Creepy gif from the 2006 movie Paprika (パプリカ)
I see someone who likes school
How to catch the keys [Yozakura Quartet Hana No Uta]
Some people REALLY love their mechs [ZZ Gundam]
Startling revelations from Nui [Kill La Kill]
Tear them off [Kill la kill][Spoilers]
[Psycho-Pass] (NSFW - Gore)
Illya's Twerk Team [Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA]
One handed defense
What it feels like to be late for class
Ilya's Bath time [F/SN Unlimited Blade Works]
End of Evangelion gifs. [made by /u/dailydoodler]
Out of pure rage
Avdol has the hots for Joseph [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders]
[Fate/ Zero spoilers] .... :)
I though she was going to murder him [Attack on Titan] [SPOILERS]
The Final Blow [Gunbuster ending spoilers + NSFW]
Skittles: Taste the Rainbow
Man vs Nipple [Prison School]
Shokugeki no Sōma
ohoho [Shimoneta]
ohoho [Shimoneta]
ohoho [Shimoneta]
Summer 2015: Okusama ga Seitokaichou! [slightly NSFW]
Horrors of the Galactic War [Legend of the Galactic Heroes]
A crude attempt at a Lelouch Rasengan(Code Geass & Naruto)[Maybe spoilers
Thank You [Nisekoi] (S2 spoiler!!)
oh um.... [New Game!]
Red threads... best threads
Busted - [ Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! ]
Super Healthy Space - [ No Game No Life ]
Thank you, and I'm sorry - [ Trinity Seven ]
There's A Reason He's Fucked Up [NSFW]
*peeks* [Yuragi-sou No Yuuna-san]
Pocket Princess
Never change japan [Melody of Oblivion]
Masane Amaha [Witchblade]
Kyonyū Reijō MC Gakuen
Distraction is the Name of the Game
Distract Her with Math
Squeezing Chocolat [Noucome]