
Grindr pics ensue....
Grindr, it's dangerous to go alone! TAKE THIS!
Grindr amnesia...
Grindr Improv #1
Grindr is not for the impatient
Grindr Steve (x-post from r/gaymers)
[Grindr] Stroking for grindr
Grindr in a nutshell
Grindr Bingo
Grindr: Now featuring fetishists
Grindr has it's uses and can be quite handy!
Grindr Shenanigans
Grindr meeting went well.
Grindr goes craigslist
Grindr gays are always... interesting... to say the least.
Grindr: where the art of subtlety is glaringly absent. (NSFW language/gross)
Grindr clearly doesn't know how Grindr works.
Grindr logic: The dick pic didn't entice him; I'd better try some astrology bullshit.
Grindr's ads are really on point.
Grindr Welcome!
grindr xtra
grindr or pokemon
Grindr knows what I want better than I do myself
Grindr summed up in 1 pic
Grindr in a nutshell
Grindr Nazis!
Grindr is so slooowww and I just wanna...
Grindr guy blocked me when I sent this; I'm that bad?
Grindr in a nutshell
Grindr wholesomeness
Grindr: A Haiku
Grindr is confused
Grindr daddy fucked me good.
Grindr is the new LinkedIn
Grindr always yields results
Grindr hookup fucking me in the ass
Grindr hookup last night went well
Grindr seemed to like this pic. What do you guys think?
Grindr be like
Grindr must sue Fuckr to prevent data leak
Grindr keeps telling me my profile picture is too naughty :(
Grindr is fun
Grindr guy canceled on me tonight saying, "on second look, you're too skinny
"But what's grindr reaaaaaally like?"
Grindr in the classical period
Grindr's muscular culture has me intimidated, do I belong here?
grindr guy ghosted me
Grindr is such an amazing thing. You boys put out so easily ?
Grindr guys be like “I won’t take anyone smaller than this”
Grindr is a hellscape that I keep returning to ?