
[SPOILERS?] Rusev's footwear game is ON POINT.
Rusev Face (Raw Spoilers)
My view of Rusev's flag botch. (Spoilers)
Rusev's Uncanny Agility [Slight Smackdown Spoiler]
[SPOILERS] Rusev's facial expressions are fantastic
[SPOILERS] Dammit Rusev, I'm a lawyer! Not one of these "sports entertainers"!
A glimpse of some Cena booty during Rusev V Cena at WM31
The many facial expressions of Rusev [No Spoilers]
DAE think Rusev will cost Ziggler MITB because of Lana?
Rusev Drago
[Smackdown SPOILERS] Rusev Udrea, Rusev Interrupta
While watching a doco on 'Gathering of the Juggalos', this caught me for a second
[SPOILERS] [Main Event] - Rusev's parade didn't go as planned
[Royal Rumble SPOILERS] Rusev Matchka
[Spoilers] Next Chapter in the Rusev-Enzo feud revealed
[SPOILERS] Rusev and the Miz react to the Raw main event outcome
WWE's Kevin Owens and Rusev. Heavyweight Champion Bears
Rusev's dessert
I couldn't have been the only one to have gotten hard watching Lana get blacked on
It might had been Rusev Day but its Lashley Night now
EXCLUSIVE: Four hot GIFs of Miro/Rusev, Goldberg, Dolph Ziggler + his brother Ryan