
Laure Albin Guillot - Nu, 1938.
Laure Albin-Guillot. 1931.
[50/50] Rare Beautiful Purple Eyes Caused By Albinism| Disgusting Creamy Red Eye
A Mursi woman with her baby born with albinism
Laure Albin-Guillot - Femme Nue Blonde, 1950
Melanism is the opposite of albinism, making animals turn black due to the development
"La Nuit" photographed by Laure Albin-Guillot (1935)
"Étude de Nu Allongé" photographed by Laure Albin-Guillot (c. 1930-40)
"Reclining Nude (after 'Venus of Urbino' by Titian)" photographed by Laure
French photographer Laure Albin-Guillot, 1930
Laure Albin-Guillot. 1930-1940 [AIC]
Laure Albin-Guillot [French photographer] Reclining Nude (after Venus of Urbino by
Hi! I have Albinism. (F)eel free to cast me as the bad guy ;)
Hi! I have Albinism. (F)eel free to cast me as the bad guy ;)
Hi! I have Albinism. (F)eel free to cast me as the bad guy ;)
Hi! I have Albinism. Since I take the cake (F)or this sub, i got plenty of slices