
Applebloom finally discovers her special talent.
Applebloom like to respect the tradition
Spoiler: What Applebloom's Cutie Mark Really Represents.
Poor Applebloom
Applebloom gets her Cutie Mark [FIXED]
Applebloom teaching Sweetie Belle a lesson
Applebloom tries her hoof at sandwiches
Applebloom episode? Notice Sweetie Belle...
Applebloom and Granny Smith making beer
Applebloom has an admirer
What Applebloom got for Christmas [SPOILER]
Applebloom: Apprentice alchemist.
Applebloom: Apprentice alchemist
Applebloom's face
We need more Applebloom in this sub
Applebloom sketch
Applebloom's apple bloomers sketch.
Applebloom drinking from Anthro Celestia's tit...? (GIF)
Applebloom Submissive [kristiahn] foalcon
Applebloom is not amused.
Paused at the right moment. Let the Scootaloo/Applebloom shipping begin!
Applebloom confirmed as time traveller
Applebloom x Futa RD, Cheerilee and Trixie
Grown Up Applebloom caught off-guard (humanized, Equestria-Untamed
(Anthro) Spike x Applebloom Comic
Applebloom presenting [solo]
Squirting Applebloom [FOAL] - artist: CobaltSnow
Applebloom [nsfw]
Lusty Applebloom
Big brotherly love [Big Mac][Applebloom][M/F][filly] (artist: DeadnFurious)
Even in color AND detailed, it's still too big for fillies [Applebloom][solo][dildo][filly]
Applebloom is NOT impressed
double stuffed butt for applebloom and sweetiebelle!
Applebloom and Scootaloo, doing stuff to Sweetie Belle [F/F][filly] (artist: jollyssillystuff)
Group effort [Twilight][Applejack][Applebloom][M/F][blowjob][group][pov]
Applebloom x Human [Foalcon]
[SPOILERS] I guess Applebloom is working on her... core.
Applebloom [f,solo,anal] [Art: Kolache]
Twilight Time [Scootaloo][Applebloom][Sweetie Belle][Spike][foalcon][group] (artist:
Classy Applebloom.
Oh Applebloom, never change
Appleblooming by doppelgaenger [anthro, foalcon](source in comments)
Applebloom will always be sexy.
Appleblooms plot
Exhausted Applebloom
Aged Up Applebloom (artist Superkeen)
Applebloom X Applecow(artist somescrub)
Did anyone else think Applebloom was gonna become an alicorn in this scene?
So as a minimum wage fast food slave, I couldn't resist making a quick drawing of
Applebloom getting cored (artist Superkeen)
Applebloom wants you~
Applebloom Presenting
Applebloom is tired of your shit.
Applebloom presenting for you~
Applebloom is adorable (atane27)