
[NSFW] Beaker sees... Beaker like! Meep meep meep meep meep...
Beaker discovers the Intertubes

What do you think, Ladies of Reddit?
Not sure i(f) Beaker approves or not....
[H] Glass Bluedot Straight Tube Beaker Bottom, with old school female/male pull stem,
[H] Phase 2 Beaker Set (dome, slide, nail, case) [W] Heady 14mm female dome or slide.
[H]16" David Goldstein beaker glow in the dark disc * +) CRACKED* [W] $$ or
Beaker (xpost from r/confusedboners )
[H] Sky Beaker bottom bong with color changing glass[W] Any other pieces for trade
Tracy Beaker
(H) faberge beaker egg (w) $350 PayPal
(H) Faberge beaker (w) PayPal
Filling a beaker
Let's meet in the name of science....I'll bring the beaker, you bring your stirring
(H) hitman mini beaker 120 obo
Something has upset Beaker
Poor Beaker
[H] Royalty Beaker Bong 9.5 in tall, no slide included only beaker and downstem,
[H] volcano analog dial [W] A beaker bong, preferably an Illadelph, Flow, Pure, Zob
After years of experiments, Beaker finally snapped.
[H] Beaker Bottom Bong with Perc [W] Paypal $80 including shipping
[H] Piratt mini beaker [W] Paypal $280
[H] 2 ft 9mm thick beaker base the heavy hitter water pipe with beaker base and ice
My wife inserting a beaker which gets wider as it goes deeper looking to push limits
Anyone know where I can find a solid beaker bong with a matrix perc just like this
Beaker Boys Not Beach Boys
9mm Thick Beaker and ash catcher from Radiant Glass
Anyone ever seen a beaker with a perk like this?
Beakers are cups now
[H] 9 Inch Blue Mini Tube/Beaker with Quartz Nail [W] PayPal, Venmo, Cash App
[H] 9 Inch Blue Mini Tube/Beaker with Amrrican Quartz Banger [W] 150 Paypal
[H] Grav Arcline Beaker [W] PayPal
[H] 14" Licit Beaker with Mogli dotstack - Leisure 6 arm downstem - no name
[H] Corey James 10mm grommet beaker (Wisconsin Artist) W/ matching carb cap/ chillum
Northern lights in CT has some sick pieces for sale. I’d love to get the purple
[H] 18in beaker with ice catch. 14mm. [W] $35 shipped PayPal
Semen capture beakers at the ready!
[H] 13.5" Diamond Glass Beaker Bong + 8 Arm Ash Catcher [W] PayPal ($110+ shipping)
[H] HiSi 15in 50X7mm Beaker [W] 160 PayPal G&S
[H] Slugworth Beaker 14mm, [W] 150 USD