
(x-post r/deathgrips) Death Grips, No Love Deep Web vinyl close ups
Bill Clinton stays noided
The Unholy Threesome
Original unused No Love Deep Web cassette tape cover at 200%
I drew my favorite band for you all :)
i pay 40k a year to shitpost in college
Fuck Off and Die
oh god someone did it [NSFW]
no love deep fried
Jenny Death fan alternative cover.
Deathgrip veins!
I've got the whole family together now <3
TMS 2560x1024 desktop background (for dual 1280x1024 setups)
No Reading This, It's Deep Web
Zach xxx
No Love Deep Dream
Finally completed my collection.
My collection… so far
Not as flexible as I used to be but with a deathgrip, I was able to kiss my balls.
Zach Hill's member I got from a mate for my birthday
Metal Grips Solid ─ The GMP Store (xpost /r/metalgearsolid)
My roommate's birthday cake (at his mother's request no less).
Collection update
Disassociate in the United States
Retro Death Grips Fan Art (Collection)
*zipper breaks*
When the hook hits on takyon
No Love Deep Space
Y'all probably already know this but the NLDW cover art appears for a split second
So my friend and I are listening to Death Grips in his condo... [NSFW]
this isn't a shitpost
Holy shit ORM actually came through
No Love Deep Web but Zach's dick is the only thing not pixelated
i drew mc rides face on zachs dick
pretty hardcore stuff
1 year of being a Lost Boy. Over 7 relapses with this BB Poison. Wastin my life in
Loving that Astrological Straits album cover.
I heard all the cool kids were flexing
No Love Deep Web was released 6 years, 6 months, and 23 days ago today
My small flex
Picked up my first nice pair of headphones since 2011 so I could listen to our boys
Finally Completed the Collection After 3 Years
No Love Minion Web
I've Seen Footage (NSFW)
My butt has a dern deathgrip on it!
No deathgrip required ?
got a CD