
A finisher to the "And then foals happened" post
Oviparous foal defecating on scat aerie sized for said foal ovum.
An illustration of foaling in the sagittal perspective.
Sagittal perspective of foal.
Exsanguinous photograph of equine materfamilias and foal succumbing to unsuccessful
[](/roguedash "Happy April Foal's Day, Everypony!")
I'm back with more foals! This time, we have some Scootaloo x Dinky.
Rainbow Dash hates foals *spoilers*
Squirting Applebloom [FOAL] - artist: CobaltSnow
Why Princess Luna makes the rounds on Nightmare Night: for the little foals, of course
Snowlily the Adult Foal
Sweetie Belle stimulates Apple Bloom and Scootaloo [FOAL, F/F/F]
random rough scootaloo sketches [FOAL, M/F, oral, creampie, crotchtits, xray]
shoddy sweetie belle/spike sketches [FOAL, M/F, sexy tears]
Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle x Apple Bloom - req [FOAL, F/F/F, oral]
It's some foals in a box.
Futa Dinky fucking Derpy (request) [H/F, FOAL]
Scootaloo has a mess [FOAL, F, solo, cream pie, crotchtit]
Festive Apple Bloom request [FOAL, F, solo]
Flutterbat harvests from Apple Bloom [FOAL, F/F, oral, tail bondage]
What a cute foal!
Claude's Center for Foals who Can't Read Good
[50/50] Newly colourised picture from 1870 depicting cavalry ready for a battle |
Delectable Foals
Two foals figuring out sex for the first time
Natasha FOAL
Stallion pummels newborn foal to death while its mother watches helplessly.
Horse viciously attacks new foal and throws it into the air
Horse bride & her foal [ma wo haramu buki]
Foal Factory (mastr7up)
Zebra foal stood no chance in a river full of crocodiles.
Wild mare and her foal died at birth in wilderness
And this is what the birth of a filly or foal looks like.
Tighter with a foal inside [revadiehard]
Out with a Foal
Fresh Zebra foal taken out by Lion before it even learns to walk
Lioness with a zebra foal that's still in it's amniotic sac. As fresh as it gets.
Foals are difficult to carry on a human frame
Ortolan Foals [artist:Makeaccount]
Sad Foal No Longer Trotting Along [gif] (Ranve)
Foals Overboard (peanutbutter)
Taking her foal to the beach [Hugbox, but NSFW] (odyssey_of_noises)
For a Thanksgiving side dish, Foals with Broccoli (Artist Unknown)
Mommy wants foals for dinner (Artist: RQ)
Listen To foals
Another treasure from the far off wastes of old 4chan threads and unprotected remote
Lady Farah tending to the young foals (revadiehard)