
Reddit birthday! Have a naked nerdy girl!
Since everyone is talking about gamer girls I'm going to shamelessly plug my subreddit
Misty [X-post /r/girlsdoingnerdythings]
Do you like pictures like this? Come check out our subreddit /r/girlsdoingnerdythings
Cammy cosplay. [xpost /r/girlsdoingnerdythings]
Guess the game. [xpost from /r/girlsdoingnerdythings]
Batgirl's Lips
Not sure if /r/Groups or /r/girlsdoingnerdythings
DAT Triforce
Boobs and beats
Wonder Woman (cross-post /r/Boobies)
Workin' on the bed
So I had an awesome Valentines Day, and I just (f)ound out that I'm on the front
Topless Final Fantasy [xpost girlsdoingnerdythings]
Ho hum, a crossword puzzle
How about a pale Boba Fett? (x-post /r/girlsdoingnerdythings)
April O'Neil cosplaying April O'Neil
Mad Moxxi Cosplay by Jessica Nigri
Storm troopers with nice racks
Cute Brazilian Gamer (Gallery in comments) via /r/Tanlines
We need more girls in IT (via /r/GirlsDoingNerdyThings)
This is actually pretty cool.
Catie Minx
Resistance is futile
Let me finish this mission first
Red Head Reading Deadpool
Bulma Cosplay
[Self] I love Batman! (And I love this picture)
Id like to bury my skyward sword in her lost woods
what do you mean you want to put your lightsaber in my wookie?
Wonderful Wookiee Ass
Sexy Stormtroopers
probably the best starwars girl photo ever
Just the one comment
Gamer Girl
Upskirt gamer
My new wallpaper
Star girl
Laundry day
She's all about that bass
So smooth [via /r/girlsdoingnerdythings]
Talia Shepard's Leia [X-post from /r/girlsdoingnerdythings]
Brunette cutie with oversized Harry Potter glasses
Boldly go [via /r/RugsOnly]
Nice headset (mic)
[F] Cosplaying in my snuggie tail blanket and sleeping mask while reading a mermaid
Come try to distract me!
Hows my gaming setup. This post on girlsdoingnerdythings came from meetlovefast.com.
Do you want to join her By Lysande. This post on girlsdoingnerdythings came from
One more tomb left to raid nsfw. This post on girlsdoingnerdythings came from meetlovefast.com.
Lewd Gaara from Naruto. This post on girlsdoingnerdythings came from meetlovefast.com.