
Maggots in a foot
maggot pic from /r/WTF [not myiasis]
Maggots sometimes infest your eye sockets.
Maggots were here NSFW/NSFL
Maggots have frothy feeding frenzy on floating fallen raccoon...
Maggot therapy to heal a tongue wound
Maggots eating necrotic tissue off a man's face.
Maggots eating necrotic tissue off a man's face.
Maggots eating necrotic tissue off a man's face.
Maggots, i love maggots.
Maggot feast
Maggots eating dead mouse/rat in my yard.
Maggot on show
Maggots infestation - warning VERY NSFW
Maggot Nest
Maggots being pumped into Leafa (mingaru)