
Swimming with the fishes
How low can you go?
A bit blurry but this is a summer swim in Scandinavia
Another angle
Underwater selfie
Taking selfies under water is difficult - could use some help
Come join the fun!!!
Back when the water was warmer
Freedom is .... floating in the sea
just keep swimming
The moment I hit the water is the best time of the day
Just keep swimming
Trying to take underwater selfies isn't as easy as you'd think
Swimming in the winter is fun too (4 degrees C in December)
I wish some more people would post here
Another one from a cold water swim in December
Best time of the day: When I enter the water
As long as I'm the only one posting here, I hope you don't mind another
When the water was warmer
Yesterday was great - even if the water is still only 6C
Back to when the water was much warmer
December 21st and still out there
Sunny side up
Underwater selfies are much more difficult
Weightless and not a care in the world
Head dive in cooooold water
Just keep swimming
The current kept pushing my camera - need an assistant!!
Don't know why my camera suddenly decided to slow-mo
Snorkelling is great, but better without clothes, do you agree?
I like the light in this one - another under water selfie
Weightless and carefree
Just returned from my daily (COLD) swim
Throwback to when the water was much warmer
come join the fun of swimming
More floating than swimming
I like clear water best
No need to cover up
Trying to pose for selfies under water
Wish some of you members of this reddit started to share
Not the clearest water today
Tumbling in the swell
here we go again
Hi there - why aren't you posting?
This just in from this morning's swim
Water was so clear today
Just keep swimming
Wish someone could join me
clear waters are the best
The bliss of being weightless
Summer's here, it suits me fine....
12 C water but getting warmer every day
I really hope some of you members start posting here too