
Jailbait of nugporn... [5]
latest pickup - "blue cheese"
Fluffy nug of dumpster. xpost from R/trees
Grandaddy Purps
Just got some shit called Hammerhead
I don't even know what this is, but I like it
Green Crack (originally posted to /r/trees)
13g nug of AK47
BEAUTIFUL NUGS...I'm tearing up...
Pre-98 Bubba Kush, colorado medical
Just discover r//nugporn :D first post <HeadBand>
A little nug from Northeast Ohio.
Chemo kush
Purple thai
Some homegrown my buddy gave me.
I haven't got any nugs, but I do have this piece of pollen hash
Humboldt County 2010, Taken 2/7/2013 (x-post from /r/trees)
This is Woodstock, supposedly it's Woody Harrelson's strain.
That Afghan Kush.
I use lemon pledge to clean and lemon haze to dream.
Happy Friday [NSFW NugPorn]
Some fuzzy OGkush for yinz:)
crippled rhino. 23.21% THC
The White
The Inside of Gweedo
Green Crack
What do you guys think of these girl scout cookies?
U of W. Oregon medical.
The White - Preharvest
Caviar gold(soaked in oil and dipped in keif)
Pre-98 Bubba Kush
Some stuff my guy calls 'bacon' (X-Post /r/trees)
Blue dream
Green Crack
that Apollo though
Sack of super silver haze
Jack Herer! California grown
I was told this belongs here.. G13 nugporn
G13 x White Widow [4000x3000]
Midnight Express
Blue Cheese
Some of my favorite buds
Orange Crush
Gorilla Glue #4 - LA Cannabis Cup winner 2014 (Hybrid category) - Just wow...
Purple Starship
MK Ultra
Pretty Purple Arrow nug for Sunday night
A jar full of some delicious and dank Blue Dream
Gorilla Glue
Black Cherry Cheesecake
Girl Scout Cookies
Sour Diesel 17%THC
When train wreck meets girl scout cookie you get cookie wreck
frosty alice in wonderland ✨