
It's a dirty story of a dirty man And his clinging wife doesn't understand. Their
Bath time with candles, a glass of wine, and a paperback. Relaxation at its (f)inest.
Bath time with candles, a glass of wine, and a paperback. Relaxation at its finest.
She prefers paperback
Paperback Cover
Me vs paperback by request
Paperback and pop
With how annoyingly horny I've been all weekend, this book seems apt. Not sure on
Cover for my novel, available in paperback and Kindle editions at https://www.amazon.com/Volunteer-D-Jonathan-ebook/dp/B01HAM329Q/
Love Depraved, paperback cover by Ernest “Darcy” Chiriacka, 1961
Locus: Godslayer Trade Paperback cover #2!
Fanny Hill’s Cook Book, Paperback Book Cover, 1970
Sci-fi paperback
Thick as a paperback copy of GoT
Something about my last post put me in mind of "bodice ripper" paperbacks.
Something about my last post put me in mind of bodice ripper paperbacks So I mocked
posting my first nude ever on reddit was a better idea then buying this paperback