
Four hands, two people
That which tugs and grabs (at the skin)
She exudes hope and peace
A bit logical, a bit creative
A complicated image
This image is very particular
An air
How I spend my evenings
Remember the words, "Action pose?"
Passion in movement
Floor as a verb
Drama in small moments
A reflection of how I feel right now
The function of photography
The shadows of the evening stir great hope for the moments contained therein.
I like the idea behind this photo
The artist distanced by time.
A pose I will probably never get to
New Ballet
Pop Stars of the Future
Life is for the living
"Show me your bums ... no, no, in the mirror"
There's peace here
Preparations to jump a river
A representation of calm
As an artist knows the wall, so must the model know the wall
The grace therein
(of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in; have (a certain draft).
As little as possible
How we actually live as artists
Tomorrow's Modern Boxes
A quiet time spent with herself
Negatives are to photography as this image is to real life
An image heavy with perfume
How I like to spend my time
Falling up
Rough hands over a human clock
A subject's persistance
How I look when walking on the street
You Are (almost) The Weather
Perpetually in between the space of sculpture and the space of painting
I am conflicted about this image
Exactly, Precisely, And How I Think
Where I see myself in 10 years
Just shy levitation
I don't know how else to put this: Rad
Artist unknown
Home life
A photo I would take
I actually thought of a very similar artwork for myself and then found this image
I imagine
Personal Work 4 [Untitled]
Personal Work Cont. [Untitled]
From my favourite erotic photo series Punctum project by André Carlos