
[quote]I think you've underestimated the dedication and purism of r/ginger[/quote]
Quote:"My Fella Went Down On Me And Found Next Door's Kitten" Very Wrong
Amazing quote from Stephen Fry
Sorry guys, not really a quote. But had to get it off my chest and didn't quite know
Quote by the redditor Fixthe-Fernback on money and happiness (slightly NSFW)
[Quote] This is such a powerful quote. [x-post from /r/atheism] [sorry if repost]
quote from Twitter: "A drunk slut peeing at the bar"
Quote of the day
Quote 1
Quote 2
Quotes from the books taken out of context [NSFW-ish]
Quote #2
Quote of the quotes
Quote: "Me and Mom having fun"
Quotes for the Downvotes :: Thursday, 11/19
Quotes for the Downvotes :: 11/20/15
Quotes for the Downvotes :: 11/21/15
Quotes for the Downvotes :: 11/22/15
[Quote Spoiler] Just finished Jessica Jones and decided to make a quick design. What
Quotes for the Downvotes :: 11/23/15
Quotes for the Downvotes :: 11/24/15
Quote of the year...
Quote. Buy. Fuck. [Erin esurance] (jkrcomix, philipthe2)
Quoting Iggy Pop: "I wanna be you dog"
Quote of the day. Man of the decade?
[Quotes] "I shall construct my own elvish watercraft..." Nick Offerman
Quote the Raven, gimme more.
[Quotes] "Where they burn books.." Heinrich Heine
Quoting a fav film of ours. "When a bun this fresh is into you, all you ask
Quote from mate: "No one, and I mean, NO ONE are as crazy as we are at work"
Quote by Hammer com calor
Quote from the wife: "umm... this is the red picture" lol. (its a tequila
[Quote] Being sexy...
quote of the day
Quote from the receipt : " ... it needs to be tenderized for about 10 minutes
Quote: "Jesus that's huge"
Quote Reddit to receive a FREE welcome video upon subscribers....My page is also
Quotes from her blog: "I was literally shaking and my brain was no longer in
Quote "reddit" when you join my page for a free naked vid ?
Quote "reddit anal" to get the full length vid as soon as you subscribe!
Quote “Reddit” for a ???? nude when you sub to my ???? OnlyFans!
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?Quote "Reddit" for a free toy video in your DMs after subscribing?? ?200+
Quote from pornstar Sammi Starfish, "If she likes it then you did it wrong"
Quote to Curly Brace! Curly Quote? (M Robot > F Robot) by CrownCosmo
Quote 'Reddit' after subbing to receive $20 of my full Neko Maid Photo set