
This is why I believe something like Wolfram Alpha 
can easily eclipse Google [FIXED
This is why I believe something like Wolfram Alpha 
can easily eclipse Google [RETORT
This actually just happened.
I just HAD to ... Couldn't help it. Sorry, buddy.
I teach college. Told students today that it is fun to be in your 30s. They laughed
That was not even Sam ... we all have friends like that
Oh I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Oh, you were [f]inished. Well, allow
V: retort to anal bleaching (only if followed by F :-)
In response to the woman's response to the "why I'm glad to be a man ” post,
Worst best friend...
I did not know how to properly respond to his retort.... (nsfw: language)
Her usual retort is that she is a 'Fitness Model'
Savage retort from a Tumblr shitlord
Not-so-witty black man makes a jaw dropping retort! Hilarity ensues!
Female friend had a great retort when I jokingly said I'd rape her
Female friend had a great retort when I jokingly said I might rape her
“How the hell do you walk in these things?” I said with my gf’s soft voice.
A quite witty retort to the hackneyed phrase, "You must be fun at parties."
Redditor gets some flak for using the n-word, retorts with "kill yourself pussy"