
Siphoning The Juices
Life Siphon
[Spoiler] Happened to have double Smeeta buff active when the Siphon was destroyed.
[SPOILER] Kuva Siphon excavation bug??? 30,000 Cryotic does NOT sound right
Work colleague, thinking about being inside her mouth as she siphons a rope out of
Squids, Octopuses, and Cuttlefish can expell gas from their siphons, but is unclear
A viscoelastic fluid can pour itself, known as the open channel siphon effect
Cum siphoning body
Siphoning A Star's Fire [M Human -> F Tamaranean; Starfire Twinning][MTF/TGTF]
Siphoning the marvel (hirumono) [Marvel, Captain Marvel]
Chloe Bennet really siphons it out of me
Siphon for irrigation