
Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,	
the droghte of Marche hath perced to the
Soot Foot
Diesel soot gets the moot
Roses are red, burning things creates soot
Pekopeko - Little Wandering Soot
Soot and Lunamew [MF] (Nawka)
Surely Santa would be Supremely Satis[f]ied with my Splendidly Sensual Seemliness.
Sir, my maid Dottie was quite distraught at my decision not to have the latest gas
Wilbur Soot. Youtuber/streamer
Soot within the nostrils of a fire victim, indicating that he was likely breathing
Sir, Today I discovered my parlour rugs be covered with dust,soot and smuts to a
Cactus and Soot by Souchiyo (female/female)
Sir, My good friend Lord Codlington implores me to join him on a railway journey
The fires of her passion had been lit so often and so long that they'd left a black
Spirits dark as soot s!na.p_dropnirds?
Soot the dfiference? [F] oc???