
Subtext in the story of Rotkäppchen.
Top comment on a picture of two men having sex in r/WTF? "Still not as gay as
I never knew Garfield had Homoerotic Subtexts
No subtext here. (Chuunibyou)
Call me crazy, but I think I see some subtext in this scene... (Bizarre Adventures
/pol/ on Frozen's supposed lesbian subtext
Well, they certainly want you to think it with all the subtext... (mild S3 Spoiler)
Who wants to add a little subtext to this morning's story? (F)
You gotta wonder if there is subtext when you get gifted this shirt...
Think of subtexts when you see this...
[B/S]Which is just as well, since I'm pretty bad at detecting subtext.
Subtext....it was subtext.
You know how sometimes there's an adult subtext in children's stories? Sometimes
In English class, I learned about subtext. [implied threesome]
2076 Olympic Games Special Feature [Overwatch] [D.Va] (Subtext) (Diagram) (Buttplug)
Listen, Wordscapes. We both know what goes in that blank spot. Just give me the points
White = worker, black = poor and the Jewish soros is the puppet master. No subtext
Are you picking up on the subtext?