
MTF Body Pre-Everything- Should I Transition?
..So I waved back? Yeah, Portland Pride! (xpost from r/ainbow)
First time sharing my cock
I found this funny, we need to educate people
Spread the love ^~^
Anyone do this?
(NSFW) How I do clean my vagina panty?
14.5 weeks post op with Dr. Unger at the Cleveland Clinic
20 Months Post Op from SRS with Dr. Chettawut
4ish months post op, Dr Chettawut
650cc after 6 month. From A to C and realy happy
Dr. Wittenberg, 5mo
FFS Comparison - 1 year HRT vs. 2.3 years HRT + FFS (and allergies)
I had Bottom Surgery. ^.^
8 weeks Post-OP, looks great IMO!
6 month mcginn SRS update: it doesn’t get better
NSFW Weird white tissue. Is it natural fibrous tissue that'll go away?
5 weeks Post-OP with Dr. Brassard, so far so good I'd say.