
Meanwhile in Russia...
So apparently this is Russia's version of the mechanical bull? [Also posted this
Whos First? (X-Post WTF?)
x/post (Thought both of their expressions would make a good battle here) Hanging
Russia NSFW
Olympic body art
Just out for a Sunday drive. [NSFL-ish]
Kyles weapon for the pig hunt. (x-post /r/WTF)
Calling Dr. Putin..
HMB while I blast these fish (xpost from ANormalDayInRussia)
Bitcoin conference in Russia is like this
I just found this on a russian site.
PsBattle: Russian Stacking Dogs (x-post r/ANormalDayInRussia) [NSFW]
Pee master
Trees suck at getting to third base.
People have claimed that this photo is from the 2010 Moscow Metro bombings, no one
PsBattle: It's spring in Russia
A day at the beach with the loved ones (NSFW)
Tensions rise as the ducks refuse to leave the set.
I'm ready
A Russian blowjob.
Casual situation squat [x-post r/ANormalDayInRussia]
Meanwhile in Russia
At her show
Russian "stage-performer" Katya Sambuca on stage letting the audience touch
There are more than two people in this photo. (X-Post /r/anormaldayinrussia). Foot
Guys commenting
[50/50] Russian gay orgy [NSFW] | Bear cuddles to a man [SFW]
In the middle (xpost from r/slavssquatting)
A bit cold
high steppin
Sorry (xpost from /r/ANormalDayInRussia)
Nice Spoiler
Nice swimsuit
A situation hard to explain (x-post from /r/ANormalDayInRussia)
Best Wedding Pic Ever
Russian sailors enjoying some sun on the Kirov class battlercruiser Peter the Great
Bazooka Testing
Woman at bus stop is hit by car and sent flying to her death, accident also killed
Fishnet top
Creepy bobblehead.
Couple enjoying a glass of champagne are interrupted by a suicidal man who lands
Good lord this should be a poster for all men wanting to join military [x/post anormaldayinrussia]
[50/50] A brilliant Halloween costume wins $500. SFW. | A student kills his teacher
The urinal you can sword fight with
Croatian soccer fans back during the European Championship in 2012
Need to visit the Russian ballet more often
Russian Tv Host Anfisa Chekhova
Who knows these tits? Name?
Just a slut for a top daddy
Trumpster Fire
Maria Sharapova
A naked woman appeared during a live interview with the journalist