
We caught this pig last week and he was especially unruly. We are planning to castrate
Teaching one my slaves a position
A goddess should always be served breakfast in bed.
This will either be really good or really bad for you. I like to keep you guessing.
I have learned my lesson about speaking out against any Goddess here
I am personally interviewing and inspecting potential Goddess minors for Riverbed,
Becoming a house slave is the highest honor that every pig strives for.
PSA: If you received a wild pig this season and he "marks his territory"
I know you want to be my cuckold pig, all you have to do is obey.
The first time I went home with two Goddesses was not like I imagined it would be.
If I let go, this pig suffocates.
I am a political prisoner serving a one hundred year sentence of hard labor. I will
As soon as she feels the cold steel around her neck, she won't resist.
The winning team gets a ring, shouldn't the losing team get something as well?
My puppy was so excited about his reward, he finished before I even started
Its my job to make sure that my Goddess' boots don't get ruined by the snow.
Goddess Mandy is living up to her promise of making my chastity painful and tortuous
The prison guards have started threatening to castrate me. One day they actually
I'm back in the Matriarchy for business. I missed this place.
Your new Queen has been decided. Celebrate my legacy.
Two Goddesses had fun totally breaking me today.
Meeting of the FRA Junior Cadets
Am I good or am I evil? Either way, the result is the same for you
The music is kind of catchy, but that doesn't mean I'm having fun here in Venus tonight.
Party's over. Back to business
Pigs, you worked really hard this past weekend, so come and open wide for your reward
JustGoddessThings: Rainy Days With Your Pig
My Training of a Pig
Sissy Investments, Inc.
I hope the Governess returns soon, my substitute teacher is much less tolerant of
Today the Queen was a special guest at my training center. She wasn't impressed with
Halloween in the Matriarchy starts early
I'm back!
I feel like I am slowly starting to enjoy my new life..
JustGoddessThings: Walking through the colorful autumn leaves with your pig
Do Not Abandon Our Ideals That Keep Us Strong. Support Your Queen and Empress. Support
I caught this pig under the mistletoe
Yesterday, some old pig learned the hard way that you can't sneak down my chimney
The High Chieftess is gone. Amazonia is mine. False "Goddesses," be afraid.
I better enjoy this meal, the guards are ordering me to go on a hunger strike for
A Message to all Young Goddesses from the Cadets: Betray our Empress and you will
This frivolous lawsuit by that stupid, lying Goddess has me stressed, but I have
Even though I left Amazonia for an easier life here, it is still important for me
The most recent Goddess minor imports from the Maledom Empire are even more damaged
[OOC] after disappearing for over 3 months I need to apologize to MissNutcracker
My Goddess always makes sure I'm ready for anything or anyone to use me
Let it be known that I formally support the new Queen. And after I'm through 'talking'
What? Me mad? Why would I be mad that my best friend threw a tea party and didn't
If anyone thinks I'm giving up MY crown, MY power, or MY Matriarchy without a fight
It's been so long since I've used one of these. Like riding a bike though, you never
What a perfect day to try out my new pig Lockcock. It's rare to get a pig who is
Important Address from the Queen: The Traitor Has Been Arrested and the Crisis Is
After brief interrogations, the pigs Pigscum and Painpig have been released from
After ignoring mis-information, I have found one of the missing Goddesses in Portlandia.
Her house husband is well trained
Any pig that i hear even mention the word Pigacus will be punished... severely...
Every day more and more pigs heed the call. Our cause is just, our cause is strong
They two dommes had they way with me. They showed no mercy and I loved it. Pegged