
most nerdyness I could [F]it in one picture, hope y'all like it ;)
It's super cold here, so [f]uck it, I'm Sub-Zero
Coming [F]rom GW! I was told I should try posting here! I never knew you guys existed
Here's your verification, mods
Why did I just discover this wonderful subreddit now?
Nerdification post!
Energy Sword Nerdification [F]
C'mon Puddin' Rev Me UP (f)
Has the force awaken ;)(f)
Charizard was always one of my (f)avorite pokémon!
Totoro just wanted to help.
Hogwarts and hickies go hand and hand (f)
Not all heroines wear capes... But this one does. [f]
Just a Soldier and her gun
Little sisters are such a pain, am I right?
All that's left of my vault suit! [f]
[F]inished my first 1000 piece puzzle
The [F]orce is strong with this one
[F] Nerdy or nostalgic?
Harley Panties [F]
Another portal [f]or you to explore
I am sheild and blade to you. [f]
The Maze Wasn't Meant [F]or You
[F] Hunt my bounty.
[f] Totoro and my butt ✨
[f] Switch it up :3 [oc]
[F] Teachers pet ;3
[F] Hey, Listen!
The real zero suit ? [F][Banner]
It’s late and i dont have a clever title. Sorry. [f]
[f] I'll hold your pokeballs for you if you want.
Good morning. Finally [F]riday! :)
My little butt and my nerdy possessions in the background [F]
Would you be my neighbor? [f]
Okay be honest, who’s cuter? ?[f]
Ready for next round ? [F]
EDH and chill? [F]
as Caesar intended [f]
May the 4th be with you ✨ [f]
[F] Would you come back to my place if I promised to let you try out my Index?
Anyone in gaming mood? [F]
[F]lash or no Flash. There is no try.
Anyone want to engage in some equivalent exchange with me? [F]