
Smoother than a cloud of marshmallow flavored vape.
Don't forget about Perry
Just enjoying that morning air
A totally normal urinal
Ugly sweater edition
Hello? FBI?
Plug it in
Please no
eye tattoo ugh
I hate when posts line up like this.
I miss the kitchen
Why are we still here...Just to suffer?
That duck do be thicc tho ??
This infamous 4chan post detailing "frigdebro's" unsanitary living conditions.
Never knew there was a Charlotte's Web hentai
I recoil..
Get it all in there
Aang lookin stupid T H I C C
Baby Yoda by Beeple
Bit itchy out there
so I guess this is a legit thing. wtf!
Was it worth it?
That's....an unusual look
This Rick and Morty tattoo
Nicki Minaj ain't got nothing on this person
Pounding posts into the ground when I missed....
Sliced the tip of my pinky lol
This guy losing his fingers to a paper cutting machine
It turns the milk brown.
My Rotten molars that were pulled out .
My uncle lost a fight against a thick pane of glass
Corsets (by Michaela Stark)
Can you feel it now, Mr. Krabs?
Imagine how it feels
Was watching a show about EMTs called Nightwatch and this lady's eye was "bitten
big oof
One Man's Goal
Dropped a pot of boiling water while cooking
Car crash, Me, 2017.
Sliced my fingernail chopping vegetables
should I be worried?
Mommy milkers
Courtesy of a friend!
Not sure if NSFW
Not my balls.
Glass can be pretty sharp
Dude is definitely dead.
That time my leg got broken by a samauri sword.
Found in the wild. Grindr is my hell
Ran an angle grinder with wood shaping attachment right into my hand.
Please use safer box-cutter
And then there was one
That's absolutely not how it works
Can vs Foot
My grandpa's left Atherosclerosis endarterectomy scar and drain site
Peripheral Neuropathy + Resting a foot on a heater without realizing it = 3rd degree
Aftermath of my Tonsillectomy.