
MMC after the cow I'm slaughtering kicks me
MMC after spilled LPG catches fire
MMC after I mistake a ditch for a curb in flooded Jinjiang
MMC after my rally car hits a tree and bursts into flames
MMC after our hot air balloon floats into a powerline
MMC after a fuel truck tyre explodes
MMC after my cargo burys me
MMC after I get blasted up the A hole.
MMC after my leg gets crushed between two cars
MMC after our trucks explode in a crash
MMC after we get shot
MMC after I crash into a car and then get run over
MMC after this truck doesn't brake
MMC after we got into an accident
MMC after I narrowly avoid falling off a cliff in my truck
MMC after we get shot
MMC after my grandson kills me with a machete
MMC after I rear end a car and fall under a truck
MMC after I get electrocuted
MMC after I get machete'd in the arm
MMC after I jump off a building
MMC After i get electrocuted while trying to steal some electricity
MMC After i get murdered by my 2 sons
MMC after I'm squished by a truck
MMC after I get fried on a wire
MMC after I go speeding down the street
MMC after I was crushed by a truck
MMC after I get shot to death in my shop
MMC after I convulse after getting hit by a car
MMC after I decide to take on a modern era jet fighter with a machine gun
MMC after a gas tanker exploded
MMC after I fall off my motorcycle while trying to recreate a fatal accident in an
MMC after I get hit by a car
MMC after I get stabbed to death in the street
MMC after our hot air balloon crashes
MMC after I tried to illegally reconnect electricity
MMC after I hit a wire tensioned across the street
MMC after I get shot by the police
MMC after we were shot by a rival cartel