
Bigger than you thought
She loves how big she's getting
We need to fatten you up, you're so thin compared to me!
Just a few more pounds and that shirt will be a crop top!
Stuffing her chubby belly to the brim
Rubbing her full, round belly
She's got a fat belly and a fat ass
Tied Up
Pizza belly!
Small Clothes, an Issue but A Blessing
I think it's official, I'm starting to get fat...
I ate too much before bed...
Watch it grow in one sitting..
Update: Stuffed Full
Stick a fork in me, I’m done.
Elastic Waistband stretched out extra tight after today’s eating.
So I may have hit up Chipotle again... ?
Progress is progress
Hit 206 lbs last night, so I decided to celebrate with a day of non-stop stuffing.
Being stuffed is starting to feel really good~
Ritz chips fill me up good ??