
Kitty Diddle
How I feel about the Vogue rage. Seriously...it's a freaking magazine (and the pics
How my husband feels when his girlfriends and me start cycling at once (NSFW: light
I didn't even have to install a hyperviolence mod... [cartoon gore]
When other redditors tell me that male circumcision is just as bad as FGM. [NSFL]
MRW I find out Ts Madison has posted a new rant video. (DO NOT google her if you're
The sweet relief of period shits
When you're sexting a guy and he says he still hasn't cum yet.
Irony... [NSFW]
[NSFW] Bacon is a culinary success, but god forbid women like pumpkin spice
Found this on the front page! The tampon one kills me! [xpost]
I thought this was a very powerful image of women using their bodies as political
MRW I realize my world is ending because I'm related to a bunch of famous jackwagons
Ripped my favorite pants - help!
[NSFW] I know some of you like period stories, and I'm not sure where else to share
[NSFW] My now Ex-BF decided to do a little dumpster diving in the temp pool at our
I laughed way too hard about the fact that my gyno put the used speculum in a box
My little sister pretended to be interested in my life while I was driving. When
MRW I see basically CHILDREN posting sexy NSFW pictures of themselves on instagram.
Sexy talk after 60
What a horrible period feels like.
This is how me and my friends celebrated valentine's (nsfw language)
[NSFW]Our sexting game is way too good.
MRW I am given some prime /r/WTF material, and... it's been linked there already.
(NSFW) DAE think rabbit vibrators look like they're pulling the finger...
Ovarian Kung Fu NSFW
My SO and I tried Skyler and Walt roleplay and couldn't hold in our laughter after
Ahhh mosquitos (maybe NSFW?)
I got an underbutt tattoo! It hurt a lot but is totally worth it and thought you'd
Hey, I hit my protein goal today too! [NSFW]
Would she have preferred I talk out of character? Wouldn't that have killed the scene?
(NSFW?) Found this while house hunting. Bf felt the need to prove it and I've never
She-wolf Problems
How my wife feels about spiders. I mean they are creepy...
On Facebook there was another post about a mother being forced to breastfeed on a
I think you ladies will appreciate my trolling on Whisper
HIFW my SO starts talking about marriage, and my fwb neighbor aka me to be his girlfriend
MRW I discover my perfect period soundtrack. (NSFW)
How to insert a female condom...in graphic, pictorial detail
Tonight is so weird, but... cool? I think? details in comments . (another bizarre
Really? REALLY?
MRW I'm re-watching Frozen and all I can think of is this glorious song spoof. Link
Having a shitty week but this bat made me giggle. Thought you'd ladies would like
I made this as a Christmas gift for my SO [NSFW]
Trolls, I want to start doing yoga in my down time. Anyone have some good starting
They gave me brain surgery, and all I got to show for it was this black eye and my
The back of the door in my OBGYN's procedure room.
Anna Akana - a true troll with dicks as demons. Thanks TrollX for introducing me
MRW I have a very odd... odd... odd dream that ended weirdly
Found this reminder on my FB feed when I really needed it, thought my fellow trolls
I have a fun relationship with my boyfriend (language)
Online dating in one screenshot. WARNING: MALE NIPPLES
The Troll band I wish the protests could have booked.
At least it looks like they have a lot of different flavors. NSFW