
I love how everything suddely goes to hell for this guy [NSFW]
Maybe he should get new friends [X-post /r/whatcouldgowrong]
Chuck Spears says: Spilled the beans [x-post /r/wtf]
Machete and watermelon [X-post /r/whatcouldgowrong]
Trust exercises [X-post from /r/whatcouldgowrong]
Typical Dumb Street Ape, LOL!
Who would think this is a good idea?
[NSFL] Motorbike doesn't look before crossing highway.
HMC while I give my fat pet a workout. (X-post Whatcouldgowrong)
Testing Volvo's new Pedestrian Avoidance system (the car will stop if it encounters
Guys carrying very large metal sign bump the sign into live telephone cables [NSFW/L]
NSFW HMB while I drop it low.
HMB while I ride this ramp
Nom nom.
Being sexy [NSFW]
(NSFW) Safety specs DID NOT save this guy's cheek from an exploding angle grinder
Guy shoots himself through mouth for music video.
IsIs SPy ExEcutES US RepORTer wiTh An AXe
High jump, short ceiling. WCGW? [x-post from /r/whatcouldgowrong]
[NSFW][NSFL] Man eats maggots from a dead moose and throws up immediately
Thief gets justice after stealing 2 car mirrors
Dalton running impact drills in the offseason? (x-post from /r/whatcouldgowrong)
Man performs back-flip on edge of rooftop, slips, and falls (x-post /r/whatcouldgowrong)
Darwin Award winning Indian college uses acetylene balloons for annual function...
Racing for the forbidden fruit
PWB (from r/whatcouldgowrong)
Ocean butt (x-post /r/whatcouldgowrong)
And this would be why women live longer than men....
Errmmmm some call for help? Maybe? ??‍♂️ she is getting decked ?
Female employee attempts to stop bike thieves
The snow looks so soft
HMFT after I fall asleep at the wheel
Jumping over a bull
when someone hates ants too much...
R.I.P. A$$
He says, “BUT I AM A CATCH TOO.”