
Stick vs. Spray paint can...WCGW? (Story in comments) [NSFW] xpost /r/idiotsfightingthings
Who needs a belt anyway?
I've had a few so I'm ready to try this skimboarding thing. WCGW?
Just going to pop this tire, WCGW?
I'll just tease this dog on a chain. WCGW? [Semi NSFW]
Let's move this tall scaffold near some high voltage lines.
Watch this backflip! (wcgw)
Jaywalking? WCGW?
Hello sir, a shot of tequila, please. NSFW
Of course I can jump over that... WCGW?
I'm just going to steal from this guy coming home from work, WCGW?
Talking trash in the middle of the street, WCGW?
Spreading mousse on top of this kid's head for his birthday next to candles. WCGW?
Just going out for a walk with my pet bear. WCGW? [NSFL]
Let's stand around and stare at split fuel WCGW?
Filming just next to track. NSFL
I'll use this snake to look all sensual and shit, WCGW?
I'll ride my bike downhill
Fiery jump rope in front of a crowd, WCGW?
Getting a tattoo from craigslist, WCGW?
Patient tried to stick a full 24 inch dildo up their ass
Let's wait for this waterspout to make landfall, WCGW?
[NSFL] I'm just going to squeeze my way in through this truck mixer's blind spot,
I'll just watch this demolishing as close as I can, WCGW?
The guy has a gun but you still want to charge at him with your sticks, WCGW?
The all time Classic playing with real swords, WCGW
Pushing someone on the high dive, WCGW?
I double dog dare you!
Playing shotput waayyy too close to a friend. WCGW?
I'm going kick a hole in this concrete fence. WCGW?
WCGW If I jump on this icy table feet first from the roof a car?
Leaving Roomba on a schedule with a sick dog in the house...
Jumping into the Grizzly Bear enclosure, WCGW?
WCGW If I lock my knees on the leg press?
WCGW if I stand revolving door with while rotating hand free glass
That’s why you don’t hold those with your hand
Booty drops
teaching mom skateboarding - WCGW
WCGW if I try to commit insurance fraud
Wcgw if i kick the stairs
Possible broke arm?
WCGW if I lassoed a horse at full speed
WCGW If I leave a pencil on the couch and then jump on said couch?
WCGW if I dont tie down the cargo in this plane properly....Boeing 747 crashes in
WCGW if I dance with this woman?
WCGW if I jump off the truck ?
WCGW if you don't stay home
Skating is always a good time, NSFW
WCGW being flamboyantly gay, in a third world country, dancing fabulously along side
WCGW taking a selfie with your Twitter feed.
WCGW jumping a fence in a long skirt
WCGW if you run a red light!
WCGW if i go for a Walk with my Pet cougar In the city
WCGW getting an eyeball tattoo
... having feet on dashboard in a car crash
WCGW if I don't practice gun safety.