
Mods are sleeping in, get an early start on the weekend humor! (Slightly NSFW)
My parents will adore a single mom of 4! What a catch!
You won't be disappointed
Missing that ho life. And as usual, DO NOT go looking for the original post on pain
Single moms are stuck between, 'looking for a good man' and 'enticing a fuckboy'.
Well, damn. Who wouldn't want all that?
"Guys don’t get the idea of having wild impromptu sex with strangers but limiting
Imagine this: you miss your chance at happiness. Then, in order to cope with that,
OP discovers that the woman he's been dating hid the fact that she has a kid. People
Modern carousel rider dating strategy: Fuck em until they stop cumming, then turn
Who Needs Comedy When You Have Tinder
Sex Worker whines about market forces driving the cost of her vagina downward in
Starting the weekend off right with a sex worker who wants to know when and how to
Brought to you by our very own Kevin32, this poor whore can't find a man because
Where are all the honest and safe guys?
Blown out pussy (38F) feels emotionally empty from 20 years of meaningless sex. She
You need to tolerate her sarcasm. And oh, btw. She loves being spoiled ;)
Its the weekend again. After a week of looking at degenerate dating profiles, the
Single mom's ex takes her in and provides for her during the pandemic, she complains
Raise your hand if you're not even slightly surprised that a Full Service Sex Worker
What's the #1 reason women want to get married? They have to check the box. Stay
It's only acceptable for older men to date younger women until older women have to
Where Are All The Good Rich Men? Won't some wealthy Chad get me off this app!
Well when you're knocked up with pics in your undies, it might explain why finding
easy to blame it on astrological signs
Looking for long-term ATM that will raise me and my daughter and won't upset me like
Posted per mod request. Chad planted his seed but you get to do the hard work and
I'm sure there are plenty of good, stable men who just happen to be covered in tattoos,
Matched with a girl on Bumble, looked through her Instagram and found this gem...
SHE lost attraction for the good guy who treated her so well. SHE went on to chase
Does anyone else have this problem of wanting a dependable partner, but being insanely
Are we truly to believe that 3 kids by 22 can qualify as "gently used."
Woman leaves relationship because she "wanted to explore herself" AKA hop
Mother of 3 beautiful angels needs a single, never married man. She loves the Lord
Just hit send bitch, just hit send.
"We can fall in love later on." Additional evidence that single moms whose
You can't make this stuff up...
Woman in her late 20s with a history of partying, sex, drugs and alcohol now looking
30y old gold-digging thot wants a serious old-school tall dominant gentleman to finance
Fixed that for you...
33 year old delusional thot lost count of all the "time wasters" and states
Now that she's knocked up it's time to get $erious.
Reminder: These are the types of men women value.
Sex Work is work! Better not mention it when I'm applying for actual work.
[38-F] serial divorcer doesn't understand why you don't swipe right.
Gee, I wonder how many women who post to r/niceguys end up needing someone nice to
Women spend thousands of dollars a year on "beauty" treatments so they
Here's The Chad these hoe of 2 deserve. (Posted again on weekend after meeting req
The mods are tired of trying to fix stupid. It's the weekend and time for copious
Must make 6 figures, first born and only children need not apply
When your industry doesn't file taxes or offer a W-2 or a 1099. Venmo me!
Can't be a "NiceGuy™ revenge fantasy" if it's happening in real life,