
Scratch Massive - Nuit de rêve [1475x1475]
Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf [900 x 900]
Deekline and Wizard - Breaks, Beats & Blondes [1000x1000]
Dwarves - All Dwarves Must Die [500x500]
Death Grips - No Love Deep Web [608x608]
Death Grips - No Love Deep Web [608x608]  NSFW
Blind Faith - Blind Faith [1000x1000] [NSFW]
Ena Pá 2000 - És Muita Linda [550x557] (Very NSFW)
Duran Duran Duran - Very Pleasure [600x537] (NSFW)
Cannabis Corpse - Tubes of the Resinated (953 x 953)
Miles Davis - Big Fun [320x320]
Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Cometary Orbital Drive
Kvelertak - Meir [1415x1415]
Kanye West- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (nsfw-ish)
Bechamel Boyz – Skuuggenheim [800x800] [NSFW]
Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire- Kismet [723x720]
Eamon McGrath - Peace Maker [1034x935]
Grinderman - Heathen Child [1425x1425]
White Zombie the KMFDM remixes [1200X900]
Jakob Magnússon - Jack Magnet[495x496]
Bongripper - SATAN WORSHIPPING DOOM [1024x578]
Kvelertak - Kevelertak (extended artwork)[1200x800]
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back to Life [953 x 953]
Macintosh Plus- Floral Shoppe [1200x1200]
IPHONEGANG - Fuck Chase [Single] [1080 x 1040]
Kent - Röd (NSFW) [1181x1181]
The Pixies - Surfa Rosa (800x800)
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction [3668x3712] [Probably NSFW]
Baby Woodrose - Blows Your Mind! [1000x1000]
(NSFW) Literal albumartporn I found at a thrift store.
Small Black - Limits of Desire [1425 × 1425]
Bongripper - Satan Worshipping Doom [1024x578]
Björk - Vulnicura (vinyl edition) [1200x1128] (possibly NSFW)
Ghost Bath - Moonlover [1417x1417] [NSFW]
Wolf Alice - Blush EP [500x500] (NSFW)
Asking Alexandria - From Death to Destiny [1425x1425]
The Gallery - Fateful Passion [600x600]
Baroness - Purple[658x658]
Eagles of Death Metal - Zipper Down [807 x 807]
Stone Titan - Peace, Love, and Get the Fuck out of My Face [1200x1200][NSFW]
Luke - In The Nude (1993) [600x600]
Ghost Bath - Moonlover [1200x1200]
Bay Faction - Bay Faction [800 x 800]
Yes - Time and a Word [1000x1002]
Pink Floyd - A Nice Pair [801x800]
Bow Wow Wow - See Jungle!... [1430x1430] (NSFW)
Mínus - The Great Northern Whalekill [522x520]
Serðir Monster - Tekið stærst uppí sig [490x490]
The Hotelier - Goodness [1500x1500]
Wolfmother - Wolmother [1400 x 1400]
Perturbator - The Uncanny Valley [1500x1500]
Cult of Fire - मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान
Lamp - ゆめ [960x960] (NSFW)
Witchfinder General - Death Penalty [1000x1000] (NSFW)
Die Antwoord - Gucci Coochie [3024x3024]
Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth [1024x1024]
Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn [1600x1584] (NSFW, NSFL)
Street Sects - Things Will Be Better in Hell [1200x1200]
The Stasi - State Voyeurism [1600x1573]
Lloyd - Tru