Alexandra Smelova

amazing curves
russian hottie
imagine those lips on...
The definition of "snack"
With Stakis Laus
Another IG story
shower time
Casual wear
Hanging out
Upside down
Window lit and looking fit
Photo by Igor Sheller / PS: Thanks for this sub. I'm fan :-)
Biker girl
Happy New Year
Lucky guy / by Michael Gerasimov
Window with a view
"Sasha in my loft" by Michael Gerasimov [#3] / Full set in comment
Beautiful face
by Constantin Shestopalov [#2]
best-ladies dot com
Alex Photoset for Best-Ladies.com (I keep searching the video ? )
by Sergey Starostin
by Pavel Vyacheslavovich [#3] (Album in comment)
What would you do if you recieved this selfie?
Lying naked by Sergey Chmykhov
Naked by Sergey Byankin [ + 2 photos of this set in comment)
Bunny by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #5
The Hand by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #1
The Hand by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #7
As you seemed all worried about her weight last week ?
by Sergey Chmykhov #1
by Sergey Chmykhov #2
by Sergey Chmykhov #3
by Sergey Chmykhov #4
Pink jacket by Boris Bugaev #4
Wet by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #1
Wet by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #4
Wet by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #6
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #1
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #2
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #7
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #13
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #14
White blouse by Boris Bugaev #19
smelovAnatomy by Vladimir Nikolaev [Vavaca] #5
by Alisa Verner #4
Still from Saturday photo session but by Slava Kholodilov
this one by Sergey Chmykhov (Saturday photo session)
Emoji by Exey Panteleev (Geekography)
More stills from the same video (see my previous post) [MIC]
By Phnaf