
Tis the season to be making "Neo Armstrong Jet Cyclone Cannon"
NSFW  Taking care of royal business with not a care given.
And here I thought the previous Oda Nobuna no Yabou BD covers were lewd (NSFW)
Eren's Wish [Spoiler from AoT]
[SPOILERS] Nonon is Suffering...
[spoiler] It often gets overlooked, but these are the real winners in Rebellion
I was lied to! Gundam 00 Season 2 is awesome! [SPOILERS]
[Spoilers] [Aldnoah Zero! Ep. 12 Spoilers] I don't hate Slaine, but I want this.
Grisaia no Kajitsu Translated Opening
[SPOILERS] Grisaia no kajitsu: First kiss = best girl
[Spoilers] PI: The Maxim
Hestia Huggable pillowcase
[Spoilers Serial Experiments Lain] Image of "Lain" on Yasuo's Computer
On the last episode of Shimoneta [Spoilers]
Cowboy Bebop reference in Episode 4 of Tales from Borderlands [Game Spoilers]
Ergo Proxy stitch I put together. Makes for a good phone wallpaper (Mild Spoilers)
[FMA:B] It's 3rd October today. Don't Forget.
[Lootcrate Spoilers] What series is this a poster of?
My second walk cycle [very lightly nsfw]
[SPOILERS] Is this supposed to be foreshadowing in episode 727 of one piece?
[Spoilers] This Toradora Review
[NSFW] Sometimes you eat the vagina, and sometimes...
Where is she from?
Darling in the FranXX Episode 7 Images/Screenshots
[Fan Art] [NSFW] Got Urabe Mikoto from Mysterious Girlfriend X tatted on me (・ิω・ิ)
Does this character exist? Who is she?
[Fanart] Lily - Ettonet (Zombieland Saga)
[Kind of NSFW] Does anyone know the source for this?
Where is this from?
The mods right now
My friends step-mum gave me an ahegao hoodie as a belated birthday present so I had