
The Virgin & The Wheels, by L. Sprague de Camp
[nsfw] The Best of All Possible Wars, Larry Niven (creator?)
The Light Fantastic, Alfred Bester
Sorcery, Swords & Titties Volume 1, Delilah Dallas
The Sexy Saucer People
Glory Road, Robert Heinlein
The Runts of 61 Cygni, James Grazier [NSFW]
Contact Metal, by an anonymous French author
A World Out of Time, by Larry Niven
Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick (Romanian version)
El Gran Cemeterio, by Lou Carrigan
The Whole Man, John Brunner [NSFW?]
Inheritors of Earth by Gordon Eklund & Poul Anderson
To Keep The Ship, by A Bertram Chandler
Born with the Dead by Robert Silverberg
SF.27 anthology, edited by Keith Bulmer
The Müller-Fokker Effect, by John Sladek
The Golden Hawk of Zendraya, by Mike Sirota
Drømmer androider om elektriske får, Philip K Dick
The 2nd Avon Fantasy Reader
Cybersex (anthology)
Trullion: Alastor 2262 by Jack Vance
The Mime, by Tony Profumo
Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra, by Poul Anderson
Sacred Locomotive Flies, Richard Lupoff (1971)
Starship Intercourse by Lambert Wilhelm
Skeppsbruten på Tschai, by Jack Vance (Swedish)
Ass Goblins of Auschwitz by Cameron Pierce (2009)
Edmond cooper, As exterminadoras (the name in english would be something like female
Turdmummy by Zoltan Komor (2016)
Lord of Light By Roger Zelazny
The Church of Latter-Day Eugenics by Chris Kelso (2017)
Les Productions du Temps by John Brunner