
Futuristic bike porn (nsfw)
My strategy to increase helmet use among my friends.... (possibly NSFW)
Rain or shine, I'm always happy when i look up from my computer to admire this view.
dildo bike(xpost from WTF) [nsfw]
Lubing up and going for a ride...NSFW
Because no one's dick deserves to get stuck during but sex
Your mom's dream bike
This one's for the ladies.
Why I switched to road clips...
some italian bike porn for the ladies (NSFW, but rad)
This is a pretty cool bike. I would ride it. Also, Lightsabers.
Worth saving? Because fuck spiders.
Why Cutaway Saddles are Bad (NSFW)
Perhaps it's time for some new shorts. {NSFW}
Turning annoyance in to amusement.
Minor Injury Porn: Did this on Monday.  Be safe out there.
Why Saddle Choice Matters (sorta NSFW)
This is why we walk our bikes over the bridge
Why my bike is better than yours. NSFW, one more SFW in comments.
I love Portland Pedalpalooza
Bar Ends
What I imagine when my friend tells me about her naked group ride.
first time back on the trails.
full on aero
i'd derailleur (slightly NSFW)
My Pat McQuaid Halloween costume. slightly ns4w shows a butt
Had a mean spill on a new bike now I need a few new teeth! (Description in comments)
I want to ride
I'm never riding "fixed" again.
New cycling kit *MILDLY NSFW*
Girlfriend just got clip-ins. I'd say it's going well.
Probably a re-post but still pretty good ;)
Road rash hurts
Test riding a bike at my shop, listening for a creak in the BB with my head down
Skinsuit!! Spotted Austin TX (NSFW)
You don't have to be rich to have a cool bike. Also, GO THUNDER!
My modest Caloi after I passed the toll on a sunny Sunday morning. 70km rode.
Finally got a good photo of a mate hitting our local dirtjumps...... then......Nope!
Got bit by a dog while out riding the other night. (NSFL).
Took a chainring to the knee today (slightly NSFW?)
Had my first bike crash last week! - Album on Imgur
I love helmets! [NSFW]
You must know where to ride !
Updated pics from after my first real bike crash.
The padding in cycling shorts look oddly familiar...
Commuting in winter helps me see where my body is storing fat ("yeay")
Unintentionally NSFW Strava Doodle reclaiming a KOM on a neighborhood sprint. Too
You don't always need the fanciest bike to have fun NSFW
It's been a year since I did a century. A friend invited me to join his team. Best
Learned why you dont use cheap plastic pedals
A week in, and I think we're hooked on this sport just for the views alone