
About ten years work. NSFW
Just got them a few hours ago! I'm in love!
5/16" Teflon Genital Beads and PA (12g, currently a 6g) [NSFW]
skull subdermals
My first suspension- 6 pt Angel
So for my first piercing I figured might as well go all the way. Here's the start
Happy new year to me. [NSFW] penis.
My suspension crew was hired to do some suspensions at Naughty Gras 6 (in StL).
NSFW Pierced nipples done at Urban Art.
Temporary Piercing Play [NSFW]
The beginnings of my scar sleeve mocking me. (NSFW Gore)
My Piercings and Mods (Contains Vertical Lowbrets, Scarification, Bridge and various
[NSFW] 14g nipple piercings done for my birthday
New nipple piercings! Any advice and what to expect is welcome. NSFW
My birthday present to myself! [NSFW]
Third Eye, Fourth Eye! + Septum
Unnamed nose-to-mouth piercing invented and done by Piercer Dan at Heroes and Villains
I'm worried that piercer put in jewelry too short for my navel...thoughts? MIC
Did my first suspension tonight [NSFW]
I was bored of my apadravya so im going to stretch my pa :) NSFW
Took a quick snap of the near completion of my scar sleeve before I got bandaged
[NSFW] My favorites! Had them done 3 years ago.
NSFW My nipple piercings :) my favorite mods so far.
I Finally Did It...I Suspended and it was Amazing
My new 0ga pa stretch NSFW
4x m&m heads on my X-dravyas
3mm (8g) Low/Deep Set Paired Nostrils performed with 3mm biopsy punch
New pa jewelry 0ga 1/2 screwball
Heart Nipple Tattoo! ❤
Got my PA done yesterday [NSFW]
(NSFW) My new hafada and pubic piercing. I am so stoked about finally getting aome
New addition (Frenum) NSFW
Removing my Magnet
NSFW - I got my nipple pierced two days ago! It's so weird having it done after going
NSFW - I went to different place to get other nipple pierced after the last one being
Finally worked up the courage to get my nipples done, and I'm more than happy about
Magnet implant finally!
(NSFW) i posted my 5 fresh frenums the other day, now here is a good friend of mine
Geometric Rabbit Scarification by Richard Effin Ivey, (fresh cut and healed) [NSFW]
My knees after my hammock suspension last night NSFW (blood, fresh piercing warning)
My tongue split!
Installed a flexible NFC tag from Cyberise.me tonight!
My newest body mod, magnetic implant!
Leviathan Cross scarification I did the other day. NSFW
Second magnetic implant. This one is a Von Cyborg cylinder magnet!
New flat punch done at Tooth and Nail in Davenport Iowa.
[NSFW] Fresh lobe scalpel / 40mm ❤️ (Day after procedure and after shower)