
Not Alone
Roses are red, the war was fought
Roses are red, violets are blue
Roses are red, men have a penis...
Roses are red, I hate my rent
Roses are red, ignore the haters
Roses are red, your laces are loose
Roses are red, Flower may grow
Roses are red, I have a confession...
Radars have a long range, so does the sniper
The tacos are great, but the sauce is too mild
Roses are red, my dick is uncut,
[NSFW] My friends and I ride scooters from North down South;
Men are from mars, women are from venus
Roses are red, outplayed with grace
[NSFW] Roses are red, I did have an erection
Roses are Red, Forests are Green
Roses are red, like the paint on my nails
Roses are red, you can't be for real
Roses are red, violets are blue...
Roses are red, I really need a life...
Roses are red, Starbucks serves Trentas
Roses are red, my name is Ben
Roses are red. I want to be a cop
[NSFW] Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
There's not much else to say
[nsfw] Thighs like what, Dumps like a truck,
Roses are red, daisies are plain
Roses are red, Lets find out what I am
Roses are red, I like to eat cheese
Roses are red, my wife is thiccer
Go out with a bang, and end with a bow....
Roses are red, I’m thick like molasses
Roses are red, this is not a quiz
roses are red, there’s no more fear
You slave for the pigs 'til your dick's in the dirt, 'cause
I'm cold, and I might catch a sickness
Roses are red, drugs are dumb,
If you think it was weird that I was smelling your socks.
Naruto is nimble, and Goku is quick
Roses are red, Shrek may have some fleas,
It's an affable duck, it's carefree and such
Roses are red, the weather is sunny
Roses are red, Einstein was a genius
Bop it, shout it!
Roses are red, he plays his best card
Roses are red, Violets are my favorite flower
Roses are red, Sonic is the bomb
I have dollar bills, but gangsters call them fiddies
Roses are red, women are queens
The video was all right, I really digged her
Things have gotten routine, Kind of in a rut, Maybe one day she'll say,
The Trojans were tricked, the gift horse was hollow, a blowjob from Midas, ends in
(NSFW) Roses are red, I’m in the hospital with a catheter, or as I like to call
Now unzip, don't be so apprehensive
This is a church, here is the steeple, open the door, and
I'm hung like an elephant, my balls are so blue...
This right here, shall make you cum with no end.
Roses are red, flat earthers are dumb, oh God, oh God, I'm...