
[50/50] Emma Stone nipple slip (NSFW) | An alternative to sterilization (NSFW)
Does one not check for these sort of things?
Although I appreciate people still don't learn.. surely one should check for this
Not wanting to miss out on the family reunion, Jeff's sister (and cousin as a result
Rocky day at work
Moo bitch, get out the way?
Trying to restrain a camel, WCGW
Join us next week for another episode of It's a Knockout
People this stupid should be stairilised.
Remember kids, don't play with fire. [NSFL]
Discount Abortion
High jump, short ceiling. WCGW? [x-post from /r/whatcouldgowrong]
Should've used a sledgehammer
Perfectly executed
Rise bitch rise
Step on it