
She's gonna need more than a minute
Look but never touch
There's no one like you in the world...
When everyone knows...
Keep tugging it
Is she's laughing at it, you're not getting laid.
Sometimes, words are not needed...
Beta males need to be told constantly...
You know a beta male is really pathetic when...
At least she found a use for that pathetic thing...
Probably both...
It's a happy time for all
Highway to the friendzone...
This is how your weekend starts
For some, this a nightmare. For you, though, it's your beta boi dreams come true
Amirite? Amirite?
Harsh but true
It's better than nothing
Not only is it small, but you're a two tug chump
Oh they are true...
Those words you hate to hear
It truly does...
A rose by any other name
Nice try, but you were never gonna get her once she saw your useless clit.
It truly is...
Shoutout to our mate Microman66
You all know how this goes, I'm sure
No Pussy for beta bois with dinky dicks
You better self-isolate...
Membership has no rewards
It's a harsh call
Time is precious
Now that's small...
Word gets around...
Better than nothing
Some women love to tease
Take her advice, dinky dick.
Not for you
Another unsatisfied customer
You do put a smile on the lady's faces
You're full of surprises
Even Mrs. Palmer is not impressed.
She's no carebear that's for sure
It does suck
Uh-oh, she's gonna get upset
Love doesn't conquer everything
Talk is all you have
She's just thinking of you
You tried getting her drunk
Some women love to tease
she's all thumbs
She's just curious
Damn, there goes the surprise.
Try gaining a few inches
Someone call a taxi
The Force won't fix this one