
My comparison to u/homemadecouple
Average Guy vs. Me Pumped Up
comparison between /u/rekcuskcoc97 and I
Almost :(
Old TP roll comparison only fits over the head
Opinions or comparisons anyone?
Comparing myself to a toilet paper roll
The magnum challenge.
So how am I doing?
What do you think?
Me and my toy
Last time I met up with a bud, it didn't take long to start comparing
College cock vs remote
Comparing my cock.... to my own cock?
[F] 4inch bf vs 9inch fwb ?
Me vs Kevin Warhol dildo :P
Comparing with a petite Reddit poster
Anyone’s cup of tea?
I feel so bad for my ex gf, someone shop me next to their big dick and humiliate
triple A for joeshowall
I know, it's small.
Only one can turn you on
I had to put it in soft but then couldn't get it back out when it got hard
Bad measurement?
Need a pick-me-up?
Like it?
Compared to my vape
How about a compare and some feedback?
Redbull cock, who wants it?
Damn, left Redditor is huge
Cock like Coke Can
Me vs the guy that my wife deserves to be fucking
vs doorknob
With a big deodorant
Not even as hard as I can get.
vs. febreze
what do you think of my little dick
Rate my cock
Wanna play ?