
You're just another notch in my inbox full of dick pics
So I got caught in some mod banter [NSFW]
Boo! Going to assume this "DNA" was a guy I briefly dated around last Halloween.
My experience from Kik, about ten-fifteen minutes after I made an account.
Make sure you know what you're getting into when you put your kik online for all
Getting right to the point.
Guys, you really think he has a girlfriend? NSFW
PM out of nowhere, the poster has only one other very NSFW comment. That's my BF,
Um.. I don't even... How disturbing.
[TW - sexual violence] This guy doesn't like to mince words
No, I don't want to watch you play with your "big white dick". [NSFW]
My first creep erotica
This is vital information--it must be shared with the world.
My friend panicked and didn't know what to say but at least that got him to go away!
"You sound like a fucking headcase no offense" & other gems (tw:
"Just hmu I think ur so amazein lol"
So much Copy Pasta.
[NSFW] I think I may have found a potty-mouthed 12 year old
I had enough time to screenshot this before his profile disappeared. Hit and run
Omegle strikes again.
I posted a NSFW r4r ad and someone got jealous
Some lovely people I met
Woof Woof anybody? (NSFW)
The one time I answer a message from the "other" folder
Always love how saying "no" is never respected
He tried pm'ing me about my touch screen, I didn't reply so he tried the next logical
Draw just one NSFW thing....
Oh, to be a young woman on a NSFW sub.....(This isn't even a fraction of what I've
I get a few creepy PMs every now and then posting on NSFW subs, but this is a whole
This 60 year old messaging me, a still basically teenage girl
Love Hurts.
Creep casually details how he'd rape me at work. "haha".
[TW: Mentions of rape] This man contacted me from a post I made in a CNC group on
im an underage cosplayer. i just wanna dress up without people creeping on me hhhh
oh my god AGAIN this is the second day in a row i get this shit
Received this work of art the other day...
I think that by the third word it was already enough