
So...I figured out that I've had a stalker all summer long and didn't know until
Ok this is getting riDICKulous.... NSFW
How to spend your Sunday. Me, I prefer a bit of tv and a Pepsi. NSFW.
Met this kid on OKCupid. Seemed cool, until I gave him my number.
I said no. Am I too subtle?
So my ex-gf keeps texting me aggressively. I don't know what she's talking about.
Well, that escalated quickly.
[Update 2] The Return of my "Dirty Daddy" ... I just threw up a little...
"I'll just keep sending dicks"
It's now been 1 year and 3 months since I last answered her. She sure is dedicated!
I know you love me thas y your not talking (nsfw)
I'm not really sure if that's an appropriate response... nsfw
This guy was trying to hit on my business account on Facebook.
[NSFW - Abusive Language] I know I shouldn't entice people when they send me crappy
NSFW. He said men were pigs and he was a decent guy. Messaged for a bit, seemed true,
Denial is the only solution
Saw someone mention this is how they respond to unwanted pictures. Possibly immature,
This psycho has been messaging my 15 year old sister.
And this is what I get for trying to be nice.
Let's play "How Long Does It Take To Take a Dick Pic?"!
Short and sweet (NSFW)
Another winner...
My ex is a repeat offender. The kicker is that he was the one who broke up with me.
Creepy.. Friends ex-husbands misc and random texts even made a fake pof account.
*starts raping you*
My creepy Valentine.
So I received this last night. Warning: incest and all kinds of fucked up grossness
Grindr: where the art of subtlety is glaringly absent. (NSFW language/gross)
I get some weird shit considering i post in /r/gonewild fairly often, but this deserves
This PM I received a while back on a picture of me that got to the front page. Flirting,
They Come Out at Night [NSFW]
I posted on RAOB.. Got this lovely guy about a year later who couldn't take a hint.
Reasonable request
[NSFW] "I will leave you alone only if you send me a pic of your boobs. If not,
After I posted on /r/GoneWild...lovely user tells me I can't be his model/bitch.
Hey I have a question
I love being a woman on the internet
The Twitter message that ended in one person being fired, and a restructuring of