
Sleepy! ??
[F]irst ti[m]e braiding my little girl's hair.
Daddy played photographer, and I got to be his model. I think we have a favourite.
Waiting for Daddy
Made me think of yas
He always calls me his little bear. ?
( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) Good girls keep all their naughty toys cleaned and organized!
It was my Daddy’s birthday earlier this month. Even though he’s super silly sometimes
I probably shouldn't be unsupervised. Cup 3 today and wideee awake.
Look at what my Daddy got me! I didn't expect it to come until next week! (Marked
Spotted this at Walmart today ?
YOU GUYS HE MADE ME ANOTHER ONE!! I'm the luckiest princess in the world, it's so
Hi ^,^ New here i'm just ava. Nice to meet you all.
Little selfies? I wanna play!
First post here - Little selfie
Night night all!! My name is Effie!
I could wear this at work and secretly enjoy feeling little and cute ? I wonder if
Finally time for cuddles and bedtime ? goodnight everyone
Loving my new cup ? got it from the Asian market in my neighborhood.
After my haircut! ?❇️
I finally got the build-a-bear I've been wanting! Let me introduce you to Cami. She
"Yes, Daddy."
Happy Friday! Hopefully posting a bedtime story later today! Stay tuned :)
I got pretty marks because I'm a good lil kitten =^.^=
You don't need a pillow fort, if you can hide behind your teddy!
The gangs all here
Can't wait to go home to my unicorn onsie and all the stuffies. Tired of being an
My little saw other caregivers posting and asked me to do the same as she’s so
Daddy lets me wear his headset while he plays Star Citizen because he knew I'd love
Band shirts were kind of a teenage thing for me, but I won't lie - this has me coming
Feeling adorable
I got a gift. ?
Happy new year to littles around the world!
To the girl who felt insecure about her legs but a little pretty... me too!
I may be baby, but im also a kitchen wizard <3
My self esteem has been super low lately but my new green hair and pikachu onesie
Feeling silly today ✌?
Cute Piggytails!!
My heart just exploded ????
Trying to take better care of myself. I have had lots of doctors appointments in
My semi professional look. Hope you all have a good day.
I'm thankful for my little.
Someone got all the duckies today.
Feelin like Clark Kent today
my favourite outfit uwu