
Republicans and Democrats
"Pseudo-nip" 3000 - How the Democrats will soothe Republican House Speaker
The face of war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (nsfw)
How it feels as a Democrat in Idaho to vote for the Prez
Poor Taste!!! Dont care if your a Democrat, Republican, Left, Right or up the middle,
Join conservative gun owners across America as we fight Democrats and reverse discrimination
Prophecy/Conspiracy: Snowden will recieve clemency like Alan Turing. This is all
how i view the choice between democrats and republicans [auto-x-post - OP was 100PercentGay]
Pill popping democrat! [nsfw]
Flag of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania
Goldfinger is pretty much sums it just seems like the Democratic Party..
Latest Democratic Political Polls
Flag of the People's Democratic Republic of The German Reich
Leaked footage of the next Democratic debate! Upbanana for Bernie!
nsfw how it feels to be a democrat
This is literally what Democrats mean when the talk about "marriage equality"
This gem in /r/AskReddit has learned that all Democrats are cheaters and all Republicans
Bernie Sanders at tonight's Democratic Debate
2016 Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton and her big ole titties
Figure 1: Citizens who voted with their vagina instead of a stronger democratic candidate.
Trump Bombs Syria to Win Support From Liberal Democrats and the Media
The Democrats as they listen to Comey
Queer Syrian Democratic Forces volunteers have a message for ISIS.
Republican vs Democrat Cough
Can anyone explain what in the hell is going on with these democrat meetings, DACA
A Democrat's Wet Dream
Trumpy Murphy - can't be labeled anti-lgbt by the democrats If your son
[NSFW] How I view the average republican/Trump supporter vs. how I view the average
This democratic party campaign didn't age very well.
Ignore Democrats and Republicans and join Jessica's party
The Gross Joke that is Today's Democrat Party - NSFW
proof that the only person in support of RULE 1 OF 2007 REDDIT cc is a democrat
I can't stop stroking and cumming to Democratic Socialist and Congresswoman, Alexandria
A visual representation of a Democrat trying to defend creepy Joe (NSFW)
The Democrats weren't joking. The whistleblower [REDACTED] [REDACTED] was in danger
Flags of the Soviet Republics, if a democratic USSR stayed together
This image is now the front runner for the Democratic nomination
2020 is no longer about Republican VS Democrat in the US
Insane Instagram. Lady thinks Democrats are satanists
You are rioting and protesting over the application of laws that have been written
The Democratic Nominee Was Quoted As Saying "You ever heard of Chinese Finger
Trying to talk to a democrat, circa 2016-?
Dear Democrat,
Also, New Yorkers = Media = Democrats
This Scientific Chart Is Brought To You By Democrats
The real stars of the Democrat's Convention!
I put together a document to help express why I felt the necessity to vote for Democrats
Republican or Democrat let's talk ladies
My pet democrat is trying to take my AR-14
The day the Democratic Party was born
This should have happened 5 months ago. Congressional Republicans may be traitors,