
[H] Jerome Simmons Recycler [W] Trades/Offers
[H] 2 Original Game Boys and a GBA, with games and hackeysack [W] Smart Crusher Grinder
[H] Phase 2 Beaker Set (dome, slide, nail, case) [W] Heady 14mm female dome or slide.
Verification of my mflb stuff
[H] swisscheese/inline perc bubbler & inline perc/tree perc bubbler with
[H] BSG Stem/8-Arm w/ Hi-Si Ash-Catcher, Pax [W] $$$ (Paypal, Gift Cards), Trades
Fumed mini tube with matching slide bowl. $35 shipped. 10 available. Call dibs on
[H] Hive Ceramics [W] $$$
Zach p mini tube for sale! looking for a good home!
Gorgeous Custom Flower w/ Marble Sherlock
[H] Natural Turbine to Fritted Disc with female domeless quartz nail. Function Video
T[h]inning our the collection. [W]ould prefer $$$ but will entertain offers.
Boro farm 18 mm ashcatcher
[H] Local blown 12 inch honey comb rig [W]100 shipped
[H] LOTS of glass - Shatter & dichro pendants, Domes, and Carb Caps [W] PayPal!
[H] Simba rig w/ bee hive perk [W] desktop vape/ solo
[H] Firefly in silver, barely used. [W] illadelph bubbler, roor, or custom bubbler.
[h] rockstar glassworks air trap side car NEW[w]$$$ PayPal or google wallet(preffered)
Heavily worked custom hammer bubbler with dichroic horn and suspended opal ($300)
Eyesmoke glassware recycler(trades or offers)
[H] Magic butter maker [w] $40 PayPal
[H] Black DBV [W] MFLB trade or $$$ (updated with pic)
[H] DBV [W] $100
[H] Used MFLB Kit [W] $$
[H] Bio Coil [W] paypal
[H] 2 Hive Ceramic Domeless nail 18mm direct inject [W] $40 each PayPal or Venmo
[H] Volcano Classic with Easy Valve, bag, and box [W] $375, Glass, make an offer
[H] Arizer Solo barely used [W] $$ or Anything (surprise me)
[H] Scientific Donut Bubbler [W] Cash trades
[H] Sheldon Black derby hat dome 14mm [W] $60 PayPal
[H] This piranha pipe [W] MFLB attachments (not PA)
Turtle Time.
[H] PAX 2 (like new) [W] $210 paypal
(H) Rover glass (W) paypal 250$ shipped
[H] Walnut Firewood 3 [W] Paypal
(H) @dogwoodglass 10mm micro rig
(H) LSV (W) $120 Paypal
(H) fireFly 2 (W) Mighty/trades
(H) Pax 2 + pusher (W) PayPal $160
[h] elev8 ashcatcher 18mm [w] $35 shipped, payPal only
(h) Milaana with Lifetime Warranty (w) PayPal
[H] brand new sealed in box charcoal pax 2 [W] $150 Paypal shipped
[H] Flowermate V5.0s mini pro [W] trades and offers