
So flippin' cute.
Sexy in yellow
Heartbreaker smile
So much fishnet
So much black lace
This must be from her first photo shoot
I know its early but she makes a cute Easter Bunny
Freeze, creep!
Poolside Smile
The special love I have for you my baby blue.
Wonderful shine
Wash my back???
Cute candid
Pick a card....any card.
Answer to the question, "what's under that cheerleader outfit?"
I know you can't take your eyes off me
Small Gallery
There'd be no cleaning that day..
On the floor
Dat ass
Iron Erica...
Early Erica Big Shoe
Denim skirt
Armed and Dangerous [16 Images]
Erica Negligee pt1
Taking a bath - 20 images
Oh, for a lazy afternoon spent with ones' face buried in that..
Erica "Poison Ivy" Campbell