
Saw this on Facebook, perfectly describes fat logic.
A common FA line is "You can't tell health just by looking at someone!"
Fat woman posing in lingerie on the subway. That poor man.
Perhaps this should be fat logic?
Apparently some calories are more equal than others
Thin Privilege is not being upset when your fat can't cover a whole table. NSFL
How can they see/compare this and say that obesity can still be healthy?? TIL the
All you can do is be okay with it [NSFW]
I need feminism because I am tired of having my body fetishized by 'chubby chasers'
Really good reason to get healthy and not get Diabetes.
[NSFW] This is the end stage of fat acceptance. How can anyone say this is healthy?
Doctor takes a gene test with family...surprise suprise *trigger warning* Puts stupid
I wonder how long it took for her to find a "flattering" angle.
When I work out I look fatter because I build muscle under the fat so quickly.
Militant Baker: "Fat is beautiful and I'm soo hot. Now excuse me while I do
Just posted. It's always about the photoshop and lighting with Tess. Why agree to
There are 3 types of people.
Ancient Greeks knew what was up
Woman stops losing weight while still obese to keep her cuuuurves
Stupid family member on FB and her equally "real" friends
[TW: Slight gore] Obesity is totally healthy guys!
"In 2 years I never ate a single cheat meal. Got some definite brawn, but I'm
Long time lurker, first post. Front page today and I'm speechless...[NSFW]
Saw this on instagram and it made me cringe so hard...
Tess Holliday's weight gain over the years. [NSFW]
What we Fat Black Women think we look like and the logic that is killing us... Possibly
NSFL Obesity Revealed Medical Exhibit NSFL
How obesity affects the heart.
Fingernail Acceptance
(NSFW) Apparently "120 pound girls eating pizza in their underwear on Tumblr
Another 'thick girls do something better'.
Woke up to this on Facebook...
Japan has an interesting scale for "fit" and "chubby". Zero being
In shocking news, Lane Bryant sells shapewear. Better harass their customer service
Amy Schumer Sized and Up- The only real women
r/CrappyDesign called, they want their idiocy back
You weren't tiny.
Good 'ol Facebook at it again..
Fit body types are unattainable (not to mention unhealthy) because I have no self
Muh misogynistic mono-male-diety worshipping culture
Beautiful, curvy, #HAES, strong woman hikes 12 miles in a day and reflects on bathing
"please give her a sandwich #starving"
Sanity in the bodyworlds exhibit in Amsterdam
I need help sexing... definitely don't need diet help [NSFW]
Commenter politely expresses health concerns about FA's message, FA responds in the
Definitely the products, not the exercise and diet... /s
Stop being so shallow guys
I hit fat logic gold on instagram last night
Fat folks don’t die from being fat.
NSFW- Thread requested offensive memes. FA triggered, fat logic (and a little sanity)