
Optical Illusion | Complicated eyeball surgery
r/spacedicks | r/aww
Big tits, tiny body [NSFW] | Big head, tiny body
[50/50] Protruding vagina | Pleasant cleavage
[50/50] Decapitated bodies. NSFL | Cute polar bear .gif
[50/50] Vicious fox biting a woman's hand [NSFL] | Cute pet playing around with its
[50/50] A cute kitten | A dead kitten [NSFW]
[50/50][NSFW] A whole lotta puppies | A hole lotta teeth
[50/50] Beautiful Blue (SFW) | Beautiful bile (NSFW)
[50/50] gif of bouncing boobs (NSFW) | gif of corn-eating Romney being dog-blasted
[50/50] Cute Korean soldiers training | Man getting hit by train (NSFW)(NSFL)
[50/50] Corgi tries to give someone a back massage | Guy working under a car that
[50/50] Patrick Stewart reading a book | Patrick Stewart balls deep (NSFW)
[50/50] Severed Penis (NSFL) | Kim Kardashian naked (NSFW)
[50/50] A collection of dildos [NSFW] | A very polite dog
[50/50] Adorable stampede | Deathly stampede (Super NSFW)
[50/50] Young brunette masterbating in the shower [NSFW]/ 80+ year old man masterbating
[50/50] Pretty woman seductively finishing a boner (NSFW) | Pretty man seductively
[50/50] Emma Watson topless (NSFW) | Rule 34 Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (NSFL)
[50/50] Woman taking a huge dump (NSFW) | Cute kitten dancing
[50/50] Cute Suicide Girl (NSFW) | A Cute Girls' Suicide (NSFL)
[50/50] Never buy cheap bikes (NSFW/L) | Awesome BMX Trick
[50/50] Squirrel looks sad after dropping nut | Five men dressed as clowns masturbate
[50/50] Bear with monocle and top hat riding a cyborg Lincoln with laser eyes | Japanese
[50/50]The cutest vagina ever [NSFW] | The ugliest vagina ever [NSFL]
[50/50] Darla from the little rascals movie all grown up in risque photo shoot [NSFW]
[50/50] Natural ice formation that looks like titties (NSFW) | Krokodil addict removes
[50/50] Obese woman deepthroating a frozen piece of shit (NSFW) | One of the prettiest
[50/50] Jennifer Lawrence in too tight bathing suit (NSFW) | Crushed skull in too
[50/50] Grandma chugs from beer bong | Grandma shows off where she can fit beer bottle
[50/50] A drunk spring breaker falls off stage and splits his head open on the ground
[50/50] Aftermath of a Hunting Accident (NSFW/L) | Dancing Skeleton Puppet
[50/50] Hailey Leigh Showing All (NSFW) | Cannibalistic Group Eating a Fresh Corpse
[50/50] FSA Terrorists behead two Syrian Soldiers (NSFW/L) | Wavy Seals (SFW)
[50/50] Severe case of Necrotizing Fasciitis (NSFW/L) | You gon act like a bitch,
[50/50] Schrodinger's alive cat (SFW) | Schrodinger's dead cat (NSFW/L)
[50/50] Hilarious erotica copypasta (NSFW) | Crane dropped a cement block onto a
[50/50] Hot girl getting double teamed by two Black guys (NSFW) | A guy getting double
[50/50] An album of abandoned monuments in the Former Yugoslavia | An album of abandoned
[50/50] Security footage of an insane man who kills himself by ramming his head against
[50/50] Scarlett Johanson nip slip during filming of 'Lucy' (NSFW) | Getting wet
[50/50] What happens when you use a taser gun on a watermelon | Security footage
[50/50] Girl gets injured trying to do the Ice bucket challenge (Not-NSFW) | Guy
[50/50] Woman attempting to be sexy falls off a table (NSFW-ish) | Group of people
[50/50] Man is hugged by Bengal tiger. | Man is mauled by Bengal tiger. (NSFW)
[50/50] Construction worker gets injured when he tries to use a jackhammer to open
[50/50]A cat getting hit by a truck(NSFW/L) | A cat peacefully sitting in a tree
[50/50] Red panda enjoying the snow | Asian girl got hit by a vehicle not-NSFW
[50/50] Six toes on each foot [NSFW] | Bill Murray punches Matt Damon in the face
[50/50] Cajun Seafood Pasta SFW | Meth Mouth NSFW/L
[50/50] Bulldog takes the party indoors | Bull knocks man's eye out (NSFW/L)
[50/50] Brecon Beacons Cliffs SFW | Armed man shoots himself in the head in Colombia
[50/50] Natural phenomenon called 'finger of ice' freezes starfishes on the sea ground
[50/50] Guy getting cuddled by giant bird|Guy getting eyes pecked out by giant bird
[50/50] Pot belly belly rub (SFW) | Distended and infected pot belly at biker rally
[50/50] A Dog Catches His Tail (SFW/L) | A Puppy's Tail Gets Cut Off (NSFL)
[50/50]Finger bitten off by a dog(NSFW/L) | Dog tasting finger(SFW)
[50/50] Tractor rolls down hill, killing farmer (NSFL) | New Zealand police vehicles
[50/50] Phone folder woow (SFW) | A man horribly fall down from bridge during take