
Frecklefans kickoff!
After she went crazy (NSFW, large image)
"Do You Feel Free?" (I feel *something*, allright...)
My girlfriend heard about this new freckles sub-reddit and wanted to be included.
Renee Olstead (daughter from "Still Standing")
Pucker up!
Julianne Moore.
Nautical [NSFW]
Hammocky Freckles
Yes.   from /r/pics
Freckly girl pic taken from eyes subreddit
Lucy Liu
Classy freckles
Just found this subreddit. My most cherished memory is filled with freckles.
Raven haired beauty
found on beach.
A bath surprise
Are you cold?
resting... lovers perhaps?
That look.
freckles and glasses. two of my biggest weaknesses.
Beach Bumming at sunset.
Imagine waking up to this.
dual freckled redheads.
freckled blondie.
Brainiac .
You called? [nsfw]
Beautiful Eyes, Beautiful Freckles
Red (from /r/pics)
another species
I finally love my freckles.
Freckled Ginger.
Stunning (x-post from gingers)
So I hear you guys are fans of freckles..
Chad (xpost from r/happygirls)
Love this one (NSFW)
Dat lip freckle
Someone said I should shove myself over here. (X-post from r/eyes)
Green eyes, light freckles
Chloe and her freckles
(x-post from frecklefans)
Oh, Hi. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
real life anime freckles
Backseat Beauty (x-post from /r/ginger)
Freckles - Found on /r/RealGirls
mmmmm  [x-post from /r/KissMeYouFool]
so...freckles, freckles and me :)
Pale and freckled
Carly Carter
Dat Lip Bite
Sara Jean Underwood
Annie Clark